We are thrilled to announce the opening of the “Scenes of Michigan”, Winter Art Exhibition. All new watercolor, oil, pastels, and woodcuts, by a variety of local artists are now being exhibited and are for sale in the gallery.
Meet this week’s featured artist, Rose Bradley. Rose is a life-long Michigander who has been painting her light-filled watercolors for over 20 years. Her work can be seen in shows throughout the State. She is a member of multiple local painter’s guilds.
We are thrilled to have two of Rose’s watercolors titled, “Snowbirds” and “Gulls Aflutter”.
Snowbirds – The Dark Eyed Junco enjoys Michigan winters. Michiganders will often see these birds at their feeders in a beautiful backdrop of snow.
Gulls Aflutter – Herring Gulls can be found all throughout the Great Lakes. Rose captures the graceful dance of these birds on a sandy Lake Michigan beach.
Snowbirds Gulls Aflutter