General Information

To register for our art adventure program, click the Registration Button on the homepage or follow the link below. For questions, refer to the General Information below or contact the studio.

  • Our camps run Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. Check-in by 8:55 am and pick up promptly at 4 pm.
  • Parking is available behind the studio and limited on Michigan Avenue.
  • Kids bring a nut-free lunch, 2 snacks, and a refillable water bottle with a lid. Label all personal belongings. No sharing of food among children.
  • Wear old clothing or bring a smock due to potential paint stains. Closed-toed, comfortable shoes are recommended.
  • On the last day, parents are invited for a 3 pm “art show” to see their child’s work and speak with instructors.
