To ensure the best experience for all our students and instructors, we have a clear cancellation policy in place. Please review these guidelines carefully, as we are unable to offer full refunds after registration for some workshops. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain the quality and consistency of our classes.
Birthday Parties and Private Events:
- $50 non-refundable deposit.
- Deposit cannot be applied to a future booking if you cancel your reserved time.
Kids’ and Teen Painting pARTys, Mommy & Me, After School Classes
- For a full refund we kindly ask for at least 48 hours’ notice for any cancellations. Unfortunately, we are unable to make exceptions for any reason.
- For multi-session classes, we’ll attempt to reschedule missed lessons; otherwise, fees are forfeited.
Visiting Instructors (Ceramics, Fused Glass, Acrylic Pour)
No refunds after registration for workshops with visiting instructors.
Adult Painting pARTYs
No refunds after registration for painting pARTys.
Private Lessons:
- Must be canceled 24 hours in advance.
- Less than 24 hours’ notice incurs fees at the instructor’s normal rate.
Whitepine Studios Cancellations:
- Credits will be issued for classes/events canceled due to unpredictable Michigan winter weather.
Spring, Summer Art Programs, Mini-Sessions:
- $50 non-refundable after registration.
- Full refund (minus registration fee) or transfer to another week up to two weeks before camp starts.
- Transfers cannot be made from a weekly program to a 1/2 day program.
- No refunds for any reason within 14 days before programming starts.